Huron Branch Goals

Our Branch goals are to:

  • promote, encourage and foster the study of
    genealogy and original genealogical research in the Branch’s geographical area
    and the Huron Tract;
  • collect and preserve information, books,
    manuscripts, charts, maps, photographs, microfilms and related material
    relevant to genealogical study;
  • encourage and instruct members in the ethical
    principles, scientific methods and effective techniques of genealogical
  • publish and distribute books, bulletins, and
    other material as may be desirable to further the foregoing objects of the
    Branch; and
  • raise funds for any of the foregoing objects and
    to accept donations, gifts, legacies and bequests;
  • support “organizations” external to
    The Society and within the Branch’s geographical area which have a shared
    interest in genealogy and family history.